How We Go On
Create a path forward after a loss, change, or opportunity with self-compassion, courage, and gratitude
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Hire Ken To Teach Your Audience How To Face Into Life’s Challenges
Courageous Living is a decision to face into, rather than turn away from, life’s greatest challenges - and to create your best possible future. Whether you are summoning the courage to overcome an adversity or harvest an opportunity, you’ll find tools to get you there in the pages ahead.
Your Best Years Ever...
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“...a user-friendly guide for finding your way through challenges that are sure to arise.”
Andrew Weil, M.D.,
Best-Selling Author,
Healthy Aging
Also available in Audiobook, CD
and Personal Journal Workbook
“...helps you anticipate the changes and have the conversations to purposefully guide you and your family through the second half of life.”
Jack Canfield,
Chicken Soup for the
Soul® series
Available in Audiobook, Paperback,
Hard Cover and Kindle
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- CEO, Fortune 500 Company
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