Executive Director Newtown-Sandy Hook Community Foundation, Inc.
- Professional Development Workshops - For organizational effectiveness and team building retreats for leaders, executive management teams and Boards
- Workplace Training Programs - For HR department staff or all company employees *see an example itinerary*
- Visionary Leadership Workshops and Retreats - For executives and managers
- Professional-Grade Self-Care Workshops and Retreats - For employees or specific groups of professionals including physicians, lawyers, domestic violence professionals, social workers, psychologists, clergy, first responders, police officers, firefighters, etc...
- Custom-Designed Training Programs - For corporations, conferences, associations and communities
- Support Groups - For individuals, partners and family members who have lost a loved one to ALS, cancer, suicide, homicide or in military or public service
- Relationship Workshops and Retreats for couples, parents, people in transition
- Courageous Aging Workshops & Discussion Groups - For anyone interested in what it means to "Age Courageously"
- Healing after Loss Workshops and Training - For anyone who has lost a loved one
Facilitation is becoming a lost art. A master facilitator possesses exceptional listening skills, a heightened sense of intuition, a calming strength and the ability to personalize, humanize and harmonize a given situation. This sets a peaceful tone, taps the inner strength each of us possess to turn sorrow into joy, setbacks into steps forward, fear into courage, avoidance into advancement, arrogance into humility, indifference into compassion and adversity into opportunity. Facilitator’s are confidence builders, peacemakers, magicians, unifiers and miracle-workers who inspire and bring out the best in us.
Credit the facilitators in our lives who listened to and took the time to get to know us, be they our parents, caregivers, teachers, coaches, mentors, friends, neighbors, doctors, clergy, sponsors or supervisors. Later in life, they are often our adult children or confidants. There for us when we needed support, understanding, encouragement, mid-course corrections, tough love and guidance, stewarding our growth and development and facilitating the life-changing conversations. They helped us harvest the riches of critically important choices and decisions. The facilitators in our lives showed us what it meant to show up, be present, create our best possible futures and pay the good in our lives forward as they did.
Dr. Ken Druck is widely recognized as a master facilitator. Having led every imaginable kind of group, from town hall meetings after 9-11, to family interventions, to crisis debriefings, to support groups, to family council meetings and peace negotiations over the years, he possesses a rare gift. His expertise, experience, compassion and fierce determination set the right tone for bringing complex, dangerous situations to a positive outcome. Ask the 9-11, Sandy Hook or Columbine families, former Deputy Director of the UN Security Council, former Superintendent of San DIego Schools or Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the San Diego Union Tribune. They will all tell you Dr. Ken Druck is the person they want in the room when something very important is on the line.
Through his company, Druck Enterprises Inc., Dr. Ken Druck facilitates meetings, workshops, trainings, support groups, mediations, personal advisory board meetings and informal conversations with a wide variety of individuals, groups and organizations.
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