We’re at the doorstep of a breakthrough in America.
Given the sense of outrage and the re-traumatization of millions of women in our country over the past several weeks, and the fear that the FBI’s investigation of, as well as the Senate vote on, Brett Kavanaugh will add up to nothing more than a sham, it may not look or feel that this is the case. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before Congress has, however, inspired an unprecedented surge of courage, compassion, moral leadership, and justice. Millions of Americans stand poised to enforce a new standard of accountability.
Thank you, Dr. Ford. Thank you, Jeff Flake and Chris Coons. And thank you, fellow citizens who have drawn a clear line in the sand. Nothing less than a full investigation of sexually inappropriate, unethical, and illegal behavior is acceptable. The days in which it has been permissible to turn a blind eye, discredit victims of sexual assault, and passively sanction abuse in America are coming to an end.
If this week’s shameless mockery of Dr. Ford by the president of the United States (cheered on by a mob of hate-mongers) was not enough to turn your stomach, inspire you to “vote them out” in the midterms, and stir up your sense of outrage and ethical patriotism, I’m not sure what will.
There’s more for me—and all of us—to learn when it comes to healing our nation, neutralizing the forces that are tearing us apart, and working through our differences. I hope we’re all open to listening and learning. In the meantime, I’m confident that the courage, compassion, morality, and sense of justice most Americans possess will prevail in the long run.