Sometimes growing older can cause great upheaval to family dynamics — especially between adult children and aging parents — requiring additional patience and understanding if
A “Beto Hug”
A New Way of Showing Love, Gratitude and Affection During COVID-19 as seen on Medium Hugging has long been the standard for how we show
Sheltering in Place
Making the Most of Being at Home As seen on Medium by Lisette Omoss and Ken Druck, Ph.D. Staying home during COVID-19 has challenged most
The New Normal for Dying
Finding Peace and Expressing Love in Times of Physical Distance Ken Druck and John E. Welshons Finding out yesterday that a good friend had “died
Calling Out Age Biases
It happens in our families. At work. On TV. In advertising. On the street. And perhaps most important, in our own minds and hearts. I’m
The Graduate School of Life
As I was finishing graduate school, my late father would joke that BS stood for “Bulls—” MS for “More S—,” and PhD was “Piled High
4 Ways to Maintain Healthy Family Relationships
Deploy a Little Patience this Holiday Season By Ken Druck November 22, 2017 (Editor’s note: This essay is the latest in a series from author and
Aging Impatiently: Cultivating the Practice of Patience
“I am working on being more patient, and I’m trying to do it as soon as possible.” While driving on a two-lane highway through the
Facing Down the Biggest Fear of All
(Editor’s note: This essay is part of a series from author and speaker Ken Druck, based on work in his book Courageous Aging, which is about how
The Five Honorings
Video Transcription We have profound choices in this life, we arrive at a moment of truth, we have to decide what am I about. Sometimes